Powder coated aluminium windows and glazed shutters. Moulded door for internal doors. Hardwood with marine ply insert for toilet doors. Entrance door in teakwood.
Concealed conduit wiring with copper conductor, adequate light and fan points, 6 / 16 amps plug points, etc. controlled by ELCB and MCBs with independent KSEB meters.
Ceramic tiles for floor and glazed tiles for walls upto the height of the false ceiling. Marble counters for washbasins. Concealed piping and CP fittings. Sanitary fixtures matching tiles. Hot and cold water taps with shower and piping for geyser in master bed toilet.
Putty and oil bound distemper (OBD) finish for all internal walls and ceiling in living / dining. OBD for the ceiling in rest of the apartment. Cornice in living / dining. Enamel paint for woodworks.
Powder coated aluminium windows and glazed shutters. Moulded door for internal doors. Hardwood with marine ply insert for toilet doors. Entrance door in teakwood.
Concealed conduit wiring with copper conductor, adequate light and fan points, 6 / 16 amps plug points, etc. controlled by ELCB and MCBs with independent KSEB meters.
Ceramic tiles for floor and glazed tiles for walls upto the height of the false ceiling. Marble counters for washbasins. Concealed piping and CP fittings. Sanitary fixtures matching tiles. Hot and cold water taps with shower and piping for geyser in master bed toilet.
Putty and oil bound distemper (OBD) finish for all internal walls and ceiling in living / dining. OBD for the ceiling in rest of the apartment. Cornice in living / dining. Enamel paint for woodworks.